About ARA US Hospitality Trust

The portfolio of ARA US Hospitality Trust currently comprises 34 upscale select-service hotels, with a total of 4,442 guest rooms across 17 states in the United States. The portfolio of hotels is broadly diversified across a variety of submarkets where diverse demand generators and proximity to guest amenities help drive strong, consistent performance.

The Trust is established with the principal investment strategy of investing in a portfolio of income-producing real estate which is used primarily for hospitality and/or hospitality-related purposes, located in the U.S. The mission is to provide sustainable and stable returns to Stapled Securityholders through attractive distributions and long-term capital appreciation.

ARA H-Trust is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd (“REIT Manager”). and ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd (“Trustee-Manager”), (“collectively known as the “Managers”). The Managers are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Acrophyte Asset Management Pte Ltd (“Acrophyte AM”).